Yurina Rahmanisa is the artist behind our best-selling Splash, our iconic pattern. With her magic brush, Splash, our first pattern, has been in the market from the start of Ans-ein, until now!
She also painted Blooms, which truly bloomed beautifully during Chinese New Year early this year, and English Rose that brought a different feeling to our dresses.
And of course, her other paints have turned our dresses into something so artistic, sophisticated, and special: Swing, Rain, Sway, and Sparks!
Here, we want to introduce her to our beloved readers, to get to know her and her paintings.
Yurina paints, designs, and travels. She has had the opportunity to live in Yogyakarta, Bali, Singapore, Turin and London, exposing her to a unique mix of knowledge and diverse cultures. The experience has strongly influenced her creative approach. She also offers a collection of ethnic-contemporary woven bags and accessories at Linangkung (IG: @we_are_linangkung).
Ans-ein [A]: Please tell us a little bit about yourself
Yurina [Y]: Architect currently living between Singapore and Jakarta.
[A]: How long have you been painting? When was the first time you realized that you love painting?
[Y]: Since forever, my grandpa was a painter, my mom and aunt draw very well. My childhood is full of artsy craftsy bits. I picked up my brush again when I was working in London. The art scene there was amazing! Inspired me to do so.
[A]: What (usually) inspires your art?
[Y]: Many things, people, feelings, events.
[A]: When do you usually do your art?
[Y]: When I have time - or when I can make time for it 😄
[A]: How does art impact your life?
[Y]: Making art is therapeutic. It makes you happy - or happier
[A]: Any suggestions on how to create "good" art?
[Y]: Hahahaha! a strong concept and great execution. AND it has to be close to your heart, you gotta love it. It has to make your heart moved when you see it. You don't want to sell it when someone wanted to buy. Then it is a GOOD art.
Yurina's arts in her own words:
"My works are inspired by the communication patterns of the Javanese people (a tribe that lives in Yogyakarta and Central Java, which still has a King): the layers of indirect sentences, and the challenges involved in expressing their honest opinion through different levels of language. There are a few types of language that a person needs to use, depending on who they are talking to. The older or higher-ranking one's conversation counterpart is, the softer and the more polite the language becomes. So, while speaking, one may look very calm and positive, although that may not be one's real emotional condition.
I see the colour blue having similar characteristics with this linguistic phenomenon. The colour conveys a sense of calmness, positivity and peace to the viewer, but the painting might not always be about serenity."